eBay Bid Zone

A design solution focuses on the flash and moment-to-moment engagement for eBay customer, to reinvent the checkout success page

*2-week design challenge for eBay as part of the RDSC class @ IU/HCId

Bid Zone mobile click-through

Bid Zone watch app click-through

Project Type

UX Research

UX Design

Team & Duration

Team of 4

2-week design challenge


UX Designer

*Watch UX Designer


(*additional individual work)


What makes eBay unique?

eBay is a dynamic community of sellers and buyers who communicate, bid, and share their personal items with each other.

Design Target


The behaviors and motivations that drive community members are very different.

Our design focuses on the “Winner”, or those winner” moments of a user.

So we asked the question, how does “The Winner” eBay?

Research Insights


The Winner looks for two things:

Ending soon

“I have to scroll past so many coins all the time and look for items that have bids placed on them and the best possible way to find the most that have bids on them are the last three minutes of an auction.”

Auctions with bids

“I find myself clicking the Auctions only filter, then looking at the number of auctions that have bids placed on them over looking at the actual coins themselves.”

Design opportunity


[Mobile UX]

[scenario] + [wireframe]



[Watch UX]

Since "Bid Zone" is a solution focuses on the flash and moment-to-moment engagement for eBay customer. In consider of the trending technology, I proposed a watch UX solution, that focuses on simple small tasks for a better watch-friendly user experience.